This webinar will introduce participants to the Envision™ sustainable infrastructure rating system criteria, provide interactive computer-based experience using the rating system, discuss the advantages and challenges of using Envision™ through past case studies, and give an update on how the system has been implemented to-date. The webinar will include a mix of presentations, audience polls, and Q&A discussions. Upon completion, attendees will know how to utilize the EnvisionTM Checklist and full rating system Workbook to aid in sustainable planning and design of their projects.  Background: Unlike LEED for green buildings, EnvisionTM is applicable to all types of infrastructure projects: roads, pipelines, pump stations, stormwater facilities, treatment plants, etc. In addition, Envision™ takes a new track by establishing a holistic framework for evaluating and rating infrastructure projects against the needs and values of the community; ensuring that the true sustainability of tomorrow's infrastructure is addressed by considering the entire life cycle of projects at a systems level.


There are no prerequisites; however, attendees are encouraged to go to ISI's website ( to become familiar with ISI and review the Envision tools. Users can request a free login to access the Envision Checklist, Rating System, and Guidance Manual. 


After viewing this program, participants will be better able to:
* Implement the Envision™ Checklist.
* Navigate the Envision™ rating system.
* Determine the applicability of using Envision™ on your infrastructure projects

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John P. Semper, P.E., LEED AP, ENV SP